Another fun meeting, featuring a great presentation by member Maurice Saroni on the Agua Prieta Family Shelter project. The Saguaro Rotary Foundation has provided $3,500 for materials for a shelter. A hands on building trip is scheduled for the weekend of March 17/18. Maurice is coordinating the effort and all Saguaro members are encouraged to participate. Maurice has already spent one weekend working with the group and his pictures showed how much is being accomplished. Be sure to speak to Maurice about how you can participate in this great project!

The Club Assembly included progress reports from club directors and we are having a strong year! Membership is growing and we have an exciting slate of projects ahead.

President Elect Jeretta Douglas has been granted a leave of absence due to the illness of her husband Walter. We send our love and support to Jeretta and Walter. The incoming President Elect, Fred Narcaroti, has agreed to assume the Presidency for the 2007-2008 Rotary Year. Fred and club Secretary Maurice will be attending the PETS training seminars in Mesa this weekend. Thank you, Fred and Maurice, for your service to the club!

We also welcomed a guest of the club, Scott Forgues, from Merrill Lynch. Thanks to membership Chair Chris Alexander for bringing Scott to our meeting; we hope to see him again soon.