If you think that Saguaro Rotary only helps out in our local Tucson community, you should expand your thinking! Here are a few recent examples of Saguaro's global influence!

Member Nick Genematas reported on his most recent visit to the Casas Pepito Orphanage in Agua Prieta, Mexico. Nick has made a number of these trips, delivering supplies, clothing, toys, and working on rebuilding and repairing the facility. Thanks, Nick, for all you do!

Foundation Treasurer Scott Polston reports that our club Foundation has made a $750 donation in support of a grant to improve conditions at the Dom Dziecka Orphanage in Morag, Poland. With the support of other clubs and districts, and the matching grant funds from Rotary International, a total of about $25,000 was made available for this project.

Finally, we recently received a fascinating report from Justin Bergfield, our Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar in Oxford, England. Justin is a graduate student in Physics at the University of Arizona, currently studying (and teaching!) at Oxford University on a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship. Saguaro Rotary selected Justin and sponsored him for this scholarship. Click here to read Justin's report on his experiences.

Don't underestimate the influence of your Rotary club around the world!!
