Our guest speaker last week was Barbara LaWall , Pima County Attorney. Barbara was the first woman to be elected to Pima County Attorney in 1996 and is currently serving her third term. Her top priorities are being tough on prosecution, holding criminals accountable, crime prevention, providing quality victim services,and running a cost effective office. She presented numerous statistics regarding the case load and crime that her office handles. Her office also handles legal advice to the county, collection and prosecution of bad checks, assisting crime victims, and adminstering 88-CRIME hotline. The Pima County Attorney's website is at http://www.pcao.pima.gov/

The speaker for Sept 23 is Monnie Applegate of Interfaith Community Services. Founded in 1985, the mission of Interfaith Community Services (formerly Northwest Interfaith Center) is to live our diverse faiths by helping seniors, disabled individuals and people in financial crisis in Pima County achieve stable and independent lives through support from volunteers, faith communities and the community at large.